Sunday, November 12, 2017


by Brian Selznick

Selznick, B. (2011). Wonderstruck. New York: Scholastic Press.

Ben recently lost his beloved mother in a car wreck and now lives with his aunt, uncle and cousins. After surviving a lightning strike which causes him to lose his hearing, he sneaks out of the hospital and travels alone to New York in search of the father he's never met. Fifty years earlier, Rose, a young deaf girl, runs away to New York to see an actress by whom she is enamored. As Ben and Rose search to fill an emptiness in their hearts, their lives converge in an unexpected way.

This novel is appropriately titled, as it truly struck me with wonder. Ben's story is told in words, while Rose's is told in pictures. Brian Selznick alternates between these forms as he reveals bits of each character's story in a harmonious rhythm. While reading it, my mind  followed both story-lines, but was constantly working on another level to discover the commonality between the two. This book is a creative thinker. Don't let the thickness of it scare you away; it's over 600 pages long! However, I was able to read it and process the amazingly detailed sketches in about 3 hours. Beautifully done, unique, and worth the time!


Wonderstruck website:

Author, Brian Selznick talks about Wonderstruck

Book trailer:

Official movie trailer: