Sunday, November 12, 2017

How They Croaked: The Awful Ends of the Awfully Famous

by Georgia Bragg

Bragg, G. (2011). How they croaded: the awful ends of the awfully famous. New York: Scholastic Inc.

From King Tut to Pocahontas to Albert Einstein! The lives and causes of death of nineteen famous people are explored. Most died young and from causes that modern medicine could cure today such as an infection.

Wow! I learned a lot from reading this book. Georgia Bragg included some very interesting, and sometimes a bit graphic and disturbing, little-known facts about a lot of famous people in her nonfiction book. I'm very glad that she included her sources at the end because some of the information is pretty unbelievable. Nineteen famous people who have passed are spotlighted. Each is given an attention-getting introduction and then about six pages of details. Bragg includes humor in her telling and Kevin O'Malley dramatizes each character with a sketch at the beginning of every section. The illustrations and humor work together to lighten the load of the heavy topic of death. Kids will be drawn to this book and it might even lead them to check out additional nonfiction books on one or more of the deceased. 


Author, Georgia Bragg's website:

Book trailer: