Sunday, November 12, 2017

It's a Book

by Lane Smith

Smith, L. (2010). It's a book. New York: Roaring Brook Press.

A "donkey" with a laptop continuously questions a monkey about what he is holding. Unfamiliar with books, the "donkey" cannot comprehend what it is or how it works. Regardless, he becomes engrossed, once he begins reading it. When he refuses to return the book, monkey decides to go to the library...but only after mouse makes a snarky comment.

Smith's illustrations are expressive of the emotions of each character, especially the eyes. They really support the text. I think this picture book is hilarious. It is such a reflection of our current society. I wonder if there will soon be people who truly don't know what a book is because everything has gone electronic. I hope not. Clearly, so does Lane Smith, the author. The only part I wish were different in the book is the tech-savvy character's name. Although it does convey Smith's attitude, it might cause parents to withhold the book from their young children, which would be unfortunate because it conveys a relevant message for young and old alike.


Author, Lane Smith's website:

Book trailer: