Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wolfsnail: A Backyard Predator

by Sarah C. Campbell

Campbell, S. C. (2008). Wolfsnail: a backyard predator. Honesdale: Boyds Mills Press.

After a spring shower, a wolfsnail wakes up hungry. It crawls across the ground and up a hosta plant in search of a snail or slug to eat. It locates a slime trail and only pauses in its pursuit when a bird is detected nearby. Finally, the wolfsnail indulges in its meal of a herbivorous snail before returning back to the ground to sleep.

The cover of this nonfiction picture book immediately drew me in with its humongous up-close photograph and title, which included the word "predator." Hmmm, I thought snails ate plants. They certainly ate my marigolds last year! As I read through the informational text, I learned that wolfsnails are carnivores that feed on other snails and slugs. I wonder if I can get some for my garden to take care of the herbivorous snails and slugs that currently reside there.

Sarah C. Campbell definitely did her homework before writing this text. She acknowledges her various expert resources at the beginning of the book, making this a trustworthy nonfiction source. The photographs that she and her husband took to support the text are incredible. They show the details of the wolfsnail and are very clear. Additional information about this interesting animal is included at the end of the book, along with a glossary of "snail words." This would be a great book for any elementary school nonfiction collection. 


Author/photographer, Sarah C. Campbell's website:

Watch a wolfsnail come out of its shell and move around: