Sunday, November 12, 2017


by Alex Gino

Gino, A. (2015). George. New York: Scholastic Press.

George is a fourth grader who was born with boy body parts, but thinks she is a girl. When auditions for the class play, Charlotte's Web, are announced, George decides to audition for the role of Charlotte. She is convinced that playing this part will help everyone, especially her mom, see that she is a girl, not a boy. When Mrs. Udell refuses to let George audition for a "girl's role," Kelly, George's best friend, comes up with a plan.

Transgender and other LBGTQ identities are a current hot topic of our times. Alex Gino is one of the first authors to write a novel for children aged nine-to-twelve related to this topic. Because the story is presented in a simplistic sort-of-way, it works. But, I personally think it would have been more realistic and effective in allowing readers to vicariously experience the struggles of a transgender youth if George had been in seventh grade or above since social identity is of such importance to this age group.

Gino's decision to write from a third-person perspective allows him to utilize pronouns such as "she" and "her" when referring to George. This creates a continuous tension between the pronouns and George's name which helps the reader understand George's identity struggles. In addition, the cover art corresponds well to Gino's description of George.


Author, Alex Gin's website:

Book trailer: