Sunday, November 12, 2017

Skulduggery Pleasant

by Derek Landy

Landy, D. (2007). Skulduggery Pleasant. New York: HarperCollins.

Stephanie Edgley is living a relatively normal life as a twelve-year-old until her uncle Gordon dies unexpectedly. When she inherits his property and possessions and meets Skulduggery Pleasant at the reading of the will, she is plunged into a dangerous world of magic and sorcery. Through her adventures and quest to defeat evil, she discovers her true self and makes some unique friends.

I do not tend to read books containing evil magic and sorcery...the ideas seep into my dreams and freak me out. However, I really enjoyed this book and haven't had a single nightmare after reading it. Derek Landy interjects bits of humor throughout his book, especially in Skulduggery's comments, in a brilliant fashion. This takes the edge off of the evil slant. I wish that the cover art fit the initial description of Skulduggery in a tan overcoat with sunglasses and wild fuzzy hair. But, I suppose it was better for me to form my own mental picture of him. The book is recommended for ages ten and up. My daughter would not have been ready for this book at age ten; but, hopefully, readers will be self-aware and choose what they are able to handle. The book ends in a way that would easily transition to a sequel...which there is!  


Author, Derek Landy's blog:

Book series trailer:

Other Skulduggery Pleasant books: