Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Graveyard Book

by Neil Gaiman

Gaiman, N. (2008). The graveyard book. New York: HarperCollins.

An entire family is brutally murdered, with the exception of the one-year-old baby who, unaware of what is occurring, crawls out of his crib and walks out the open door and over to the local graveyard. The graveyard ghosts and an in-between-life-and-death guardian adopt the child, who they name Nobody (nicknamed Bod) Owens. Bod is in danger whenever he leaves the cemetery until a series of events change the potential for his future.

With the exception of the graphic, murderous opening scene, I enjoyed this book. Neil Gaiman had an extremely unique idea when he wrote this chapter book. In my experience, ghosts are either perceived as something extremely scary or friendly (think Casper the Friendly Ghost). However, Gaiman humanizes the ghosts by knitting them together into a "family" that cares for, teaches, plays with, and protects Bod. Gaiman sprinkles in a bit of history and fantasy as well. This book is rich with complex vocabulary which will stretch the reader's mind. Near the end of this chapter book, it gets a little confusing with all of the Jacks; but other than that, it was a good read.


Author, Neil Gaiman's website:

Official book trailer: