Wednesday, November 1, 2017

First the Egg

by Laura Vaccaro Seeger

Seeger, L. V. (2007). First the egg. New Milford: Roaring Brook Press.

Cycles of life are portrayed in clever illustrations containing die cuts -- from egg to chicken, tadpole to frog, seed to flower, caterpillar to butterfly, word to story, paint to picture, then chicken to egg. This is an amazing, thought provoking book which will prompt deep discussions.

This picture book, containing few words by author and artist Laura Vaccaro Seeger, is a thinker. First of all, it is cleverly created. Starting with the egg and ending with the egg, each relationship is linked together conceptually. Chickens, frogs, flowers, and butterflies are all living things. When Seeger transitions to the word/story relationship, she does so by utilizing the previous words of her book as the "story" to which she refers. Then, she masterfully links this to the paint/picture relationship by using the living things from her story in the "picture." Lastly, the chicken in this picture completes the cycle by producing the egg on the last page...which, of course, is cracking open (here comes another chicken!). Genius! In addition, she uses die cuts, which young children will love, to link each relationship together visually as well as conceptually. To top it off, she laces the age-old question of "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" throughout the story.


Author/illustrator, Laura Vaccaro Seeger's website:

Meet the author: