Saturday, September 16, 2017

What Do You Do With a Problem?

by Kobi Yamada

Yamada, K. (2016). What do you do with a problem? Seattle: Compendium Kids.

An unwanted problem appears out of the blue. Shooing it, ignoring it and hiding from it does not make it go away. Worrying about it only makes it grow larger. The only solution, even though it's scary, is to face it head-on and to learn from it!

Written for children from ages four to eight, this picture book teaches a lesson that many adults still struggle with, how to deal with a problem. In less than fifty sentences, Kobi Yamada equips his readers for life. Mae Besom's illustrations help the words come alive. The persistent problem appears as a little purplish cloud while the rest of each two-page spread is monotone. The expressions drawn on the child's face reflect his fear and worry, and as the problem-cloud grows, it appears consuming, resembling a hurricane. When the child confronts his problem, the mood shifts. Yellow is added to the illustrations to reflect the child's joy and optimism. What a beautiful, inspiring book for people of all ages!


Interview with Kobi Yamada:

Another "What Do You Do" book by Yamada: