Saturday, September 16, 2017

Thunder Boy Jr.

by Sherman Alexie

Alexie, S. (2016). Thunder Boy Jr. New York: Little, Brown and Company.

Thunder Boy Smith hates his name. In his opinion, it is not a normal name. But that is not why he hates it. He hates it because he wants his own name, not his father's name. His dad is large and strong, so "Big Thunder" fits. Little Thunder wants a name that suits him, too, but he doesn't want to hurt his dad's feelings. With love, his dad assigns a new, appropriate name to Junior which he is exuberant about.

When I read the title of this book and saw the cover, I assumed it would either be about Martin Luther King Jr., a super hero, or a boy who farted a lot! I was wrong on all accounts. In my defense, Thunder Boy Jr., the main character, did state in the book that his nickname, Little Thunder, made him sound like a burp or a fart.

This book, written for four to seven-year-olds, celebrates tender family relationships, a special father-son bond, and how unique experiences help define us as individuals.


Author, Sherman Alexie's website:

Book trailer:

Interview with Sherman Alexie: