Monday, September 4, 2017

Snowflake Bentley

by Jacqueline Briggs Martin

Martin, J. B. (1998). Snowflake Bentley. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Born to Vermont farmers in 1865, Wilson Bentley seemed to exist for the love of snow. Captivated by the wonder of snowflakes and determined to share them with the world, his parents sacrificed everything to make his dream come true by purchasing a microscope camera for his seventeenth birthday.  With it, Willie discovered how snowflakes form and why no two are ever alike.

What child is not amazed by snowflakes? I remember folding a square of white paper multiple times, carefully cutting a pattern with scissors, gently opening it up, and then admiring the beautiful resulting snowflake. Makes me think of that scene from Elf when Buddy decorates the store! Jacqueline Briggs Martin does a nice job telling Willie Bentley’s story in a format that is appealing and informative, but not overwhelming with too many facts for children aged four to eight.


Author, Jacqueline Briggs Martin's website:

Official website of Snowflake Bentley:

Video of Bentley's amazing snowflake pictures: 

"The Snowflake Man" (a short film about Snowflake Bentley): 

Buddy the Elf with paper snowflakes:

How to make a paper snowflake: