Sunday, September 10, 2017

14 Cows for America

by Carmen Agra Deedy

Deedy, C. A. (2009). 14 cows for America. Atlanta: Peachtree.

In this book, Kimeli returns to visit his isolated village in Kenya after living in the United States where he's been studying to become a doctor. The peaceful Maasai people, who depend upon the cow for survival, cherish this precious possession. As Kimeli shares the heartbreaking story of 9/11 with his people, they sit in silence as compassion overwhelms them. A diplomatic meeting is requested where the Maasai hold a ceremony to bless the Americans and to present their gift of life and healing: 14 cows.

According to Kimeli Naiyomah, who collaborated with Carmen Agra Deedy on 14 Cows for America and whose dream as a Massai boy was to someday own a cow for himself and his mother, "To heal the pain in someone's heart, you give them something that is close to your own heart." Understanding that belief system, as well as how few people owned a cow in the tribe, helped me to realize the personal sacrifice in the giving of this gift.

Reading this touching story brought tears to my eyes. Memories from that fateful day flooded back. It was my son's third birthday. I was thankful that we had held his party the weekend before as I watched the towers fall on television, trying to shield his eyes. This book may bring back memories, humble you as you realize how blessed we are as a nation even though it does not guarantee our safety, or stir your soul to reach out to others in pain. All readers will certainly be touched.


Author, Carmen Agra Deedy's website:

A must-read interview with Wilson Kimeli Naiyomah:

Book trailer: