Friday, September 15, 2017


by Joan Bauer

Bauer, J. (1996). Sticks. New York: Delacorte Press.

Mickey Vernon's one desire is to win a red t-shirt. To do so, he must come out on top in Vernon Pool Hall's Youth Tournament for ten to thirteen-year-olds. He's ten. His stiffest competition, Buck, is thirteen. His father, a nine ball champion, died young and is not around to coach him. However, Joseph Alvarez, his dad's best friend is. With the help of Joseph, his friend Arlen, and cautious encouragement from his mom, Mickey pursues his dream.

Upper elementary and middle school children will surely enjoy this book. Joan Bauer is an expert at writing in the voice of a fifth grader and at understanding what drives kids of that age. She includes life lessons and realistic relationships among the characters. Readers will be on the edge of their seats during the suspenseful pool tournament!


Author, Joan Bauer's website:

Interview with Joan Bauer:

Donald Duck Learns How to Play Billiards: