Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Wonderful Things You Will Be

by Emily Winfield Martin

Martin, E. W. (2015). The wonderful things you will be. New York: Random House.

In this book of unconditional love, Emily Winfield Martin follows the thoughts of a parent regarding their child's future. The parent dreams of numerous possibilities, wondering what their child will be like when they grow up. Regardless of the outcome, it will certainly be wonderful, because the child will always be loved.

Written in simple rhyme with a rhythmic flow, this sweet book is fantastic for impressing on children that they are special, not because of what they do, but just because they exist. Preschool to early elementary school-aged children will especially enjoy curling up with their parent and listening to this book.


Author, Emily Winfield Martin's website:

Watch this book being read by a sweet child: