Monday, October 9, 2017

Doña Flor: a Tall Tale about a Giant Woman with a Great Big Heart

by Pat Mora

Mora, P. (2005). Doña Flor: a tall tale about a giant woman with a great big heart. New York: Alfread A. Knopf.

Doña Flor is an immense woman who lives amongst her normal-sized neighbors in a small village. She is often seen carrying the children to school, talking with animals, and reading books from the library. When a threatening roar begins to scare the villagers, Flor is determined to find the source. Once she does, she is amused by what she discovers and makes a new friend in the process.

This picture book is an entertaining tall tale reminiscent of Paul Bunyon. It is laced with Spanish words, artfully printed in italics and surrounded by context clues to help non-Spanish speakers understand them. The illustrations are beautifully done and help bring Doña Flor's character to life. This book is an excellent source for teachers to use when introducing tall tales, positive role models, exaggeration, personification, similes, respectful titles, descriptive adjectives, and positive character traits.


Author, Pat Mora's website:

Pat Mora shares teacher reactions to book:

Illustrator, Raul Colón, talks about illustrating the book: